Oke.Then I guess you should see it.
I think you'll have to wait for Fred to get back to answer.
He should be there by saturday.
{xen:phrase new_posts}, {xen:phrase recent_posts}}</a></li>
This is the code i don't see any different code.In this Template Modification => http://prntscr.com/c1mesd
Replace content of Find field by:
HTML:{xen:phrase new_posts}, {xen:phrase recent_posts}}</a></li>
This should work
<li><a href="{xen:link 'find-new/posts'}" rel="nofollow">{xen:if $visitor.user_id, {xen:phrase new_posts}, {xen:phrase recent_posts}}</a></li>
No it doesn't workIf you replace content in find field by code i have give you above it's should work
Sure.Can you send me access admin by PM please