Suggestion: Add a search text field on club list.
If I have hundreds of clubs, it takes time to find one specific club. With a text search field it could be searched for "cat" and then all clubs with "cat" in their club title (and if possible also club tag) will be shown as results in the list.
Probably also provide a "Clear Search" button to show again all clubs after click. (because not all users get the idea to click on "Clubs" on navigation for same effect
) But this button should only be visible after a search has been made. if no search/filter is set, no "Clear Search" should be shown, because it has no use and would distract only.
If I have hundreds of clubs, it takes time to find one specific club. With a text search field it could be searched for "cat" and then all clubs with "cat" in their club title (and if possible also club tag) will be shown as results in the list.
Probably also provide a "Clear Search" button to show again all clubs after click. (because not all users get the idea to click on "Clubs" on navigation for same effect
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